Sunday, April 17, 2011

Global Gender

Woman today are treated far better than those in Afghanistan because the amenities and luxuries we can enjoy in the United States is not a norm for the Afghan women.   The Afghanistan Relief Organization (ARO) is a nonprofit organization.   In May 2005, ARO established the first of a series of women’s literacy classes, designed to help women who desperately need literacy and vocational training to support their families.  In the United States women don’t have to depend on literacy programs as most have the mean to a public education which teaches them how to read and write.  The female literacy rate for women in the United States is 99% vs. that in Afghanistan which is only 21%.  Employment is another privilege that women in the U.S. are able to benefit from as there are more opportunities for work.   The unemployment rate in Afghanistan is 35% while the unemployment rate in the United States is only 8.8%.  These percentages are drastically different and since women have a lower literacy rate this leads to a lower employment rate also.  Going back to luxuries and amenities for women in the U.S. there are so many areas that can be taken for granted.  Unfortunately, in Afghanistan during the rule of the Taliban from 1996 to 2001 women were treated worse than ever before and by any other society.  Women were not allowed to work, leave their homes without a man, and could not seek medical help from a male doctor.  Despite the help from organizations such as the ARO the repression of women are still extremely noticeable in the public life of Afghanistan women.  The lives for women are slightly improving in Afghanistan although many non-profit organizations are attempting to make a difference Afghan women are still facing horrific issues. However, 33% of women experience physical psychological or sexual violence.  Changes have come from international organizations and nonprofits such as, the Revolutionary Association of the Women in Afghanistan (RAWA), The Afghan Women’s Mission, and Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan.  With these non- profit organizations they have attempted to increase literacy rates, train and employ women, and better the infant mortality rate and simply provide medical care for women to live longer lives.  Although, these are not some women living in America, any changes for betterment of women in other countries is a great asset and privilege for all.

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